Celebrate the #LunarNewYear with Year of the Dog Emoji on Twitter

Ilustrasi logo Twitter digantung di jemuran (Shutterstock).

SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 12 February 2018 – All set for the#LunarNewYear on February 16, 2018? 2018 is also the #YearOfTheDog in the Chinese zodiac cycle where the Dog, a symbol of loyalty and honesty, ranks 11th of 12 animals.

With festivities stretching across 15 days in different parts of the world, celebrate#LunarNewYear early on Twitter this year with the special #LunarNewYear 2018#YearoftheDog emoji, which goes live starting today until March 2, 2018. Well-wishes have already begun on Twitter!

Join in the #LunarNewYear conversation by Tweeting your #LunarNewYear or#ChineseNewYear well-wishes with Twitter’s special emoji. (MOR)



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