Rekomendasi Menu Favorit di Ivy Restaurant Jakarta

Rekomendasi Menu Favorit di Ivy Restaurant Jakarta

Sebelumnya Restoran ini bernama Ivy Bistro & Catering, lalu bertransformasi dan tak lagi fokus pada jasa katering. Nampaknya, strategi tersebut memang langkah yang tepat, karena saat ini Ivy Restaurant telah sukses menjadi salah satu restoran ternama berkat konsep dining yang menggabungkan cita rasa, kualitas layanan, dengan pengalaman makan di lokasi bernuansa nyaman dan modern.

Adam Hugill Highlights the Importance of Social Responsibility at the Interact Law Conference

Adam Hugill Highlights the Importance of Social Responsibility at the Interact Law Conference

This week the Interact Law conference kicked off with the introduction of several new members joining the legal network: Bennani & Associés which has offices in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Ivory Coast; Maheshwari & Co based in India, but also offering a German and an Eastern European desk; Tonucci & Partners which is deeply rooted in Italy where the firm has offices in 7 cities across the country, but that also has a solid presence in Romania, Serbia and Albania.

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