
Global eTrade Services (GeTS), a global trade platform company, today announced the launch of CALISTA Intelligent Agent (IA) — built to optimise supply chains by unlocking the power of artificial intelligence.

Global eTrade Services Adds Pacific International Lines on CALISTA™

Global eTrade Services Adds Pacific International Lines on CALISTA™

Global eTrade Services (GeTS), a global trade platform company and a subsidiary of CrimsonLogic (a provider of digital solutions, products and services), today announced the addition of Pacific International Lines (PIL) — the world’s top 10th containership operator on CALISTATM, an interoperable, neutral and trusted platform that enables supply chain orchestration across the world.

Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association Join Hive, A Global Trade Facilitation Platform Powered By Global eTrade Services

Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association Join Hive, A Global Trade Facilitation Platform Powered By Global eTrade Services

Global eTrade Services (GeTS) today announced the partnership with the Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFFA) to onboard their members on hive (highly interconnected & vibrant e-trade), joining a vibrant and connected global association-centric community of more than 10,000 freight forwarders spanning across Asia to Latin America and now North America.

Singapore’s GeTS Stepping Up as Key Player to Strengthen China-ASEAN Trade

Singapore’s GeTS Stepping Up as Key Player to Strengthen China-ASEAN Trade

GeTS to sign collaboration agreement with China-ASEAN Information Harbor Co. (CAIH) on Open Trade Blockchain (OTB) to make cross-border compliance services more secure. GeTS and CAIH conducting pilot runs with logistics players for cross-border Customs connectivity service that further facilitate trade between China and ASEAN through the Southern d Transport Corridor (STC)

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